Friday 18 September 2015

Anglo Saxon food      

which crops did they grow?
The Anglo Saxon's grew a type of wheat called einkorn, rye, barley, oats, peas and beans. they also grew vegetables like turnips, carrots, leeks and onions.

which types of fish did they eat? 

They ate salmon, herring, eel, pike, perch, roach and shellfish. for example oysters and mussels. 

which drinks did the Anglo Saxons have?

They had an alcoholic drink called mead which tasted like honey and if you were a rich Anglo Saxon you would have had wine imported from the Mediterranean.   

This is what mead looked like.
                                ANGLO SAXONS WEAPONS

Anglo Saxon smiths worked very hard to make weapons, such as swords and battle axes. The sword is the hardest weapon to make.

 Anglo Saxon warriors carried a  small but sharp knife called  a


Anglo Saxons in battle.

The Anglo Saxons armies were small but powerful. They carried swords, battle axes and bows and arrows. Did you know that if  a slave was found with a spear they would be beaten shaft until it snaped, only a freeman was allowed a spear.

Anglo-Saxon houses

What houses were made of ?

Anglo-Saxons houses were made of wood and thach. The roof is made of straw and the body is made of wood which rots away very quickly.They used clay and morter to fill in the gaps in the wood. To keep warm their houses were built facing the sun.

Where light came from ?

Anglo-Saxon houses didn't have much light.So to solve this they had slits as the windows which would let wind,rain and sun inside.Inside there would be a fire so when it was cold outside it would be warm inside.+-

          Anglo saxons                                                                                                                                                                                         FOOD                                                                                                                                                                 
  The Anglo saxons  ate fruit and veg:Tomatos,potatoes,bnananas,pineapples and lods more.                                                                                                                                                               JEWELLARY 

                                                                                       The Anglo  Saxons love thier je

Anglo Saxons by Bella and Francis

Anglo Saxons weapon 

The Anglo Saxons used a variety of  weapons


This is a Anglo Saxon sword .
The sword that we are showing you was used in battlesImage result for anglo saxons weapons

This is a Sutton Ho helmet 
                                     ANGLO SAXONS WEAPONS                                       

This piece of information text is about the weapons of the Anglo Saxons. We will be writing about many different Anglo Saxons weapons mostly war weapons.

Shields protected warriors and axes were used to attack.


Swords were very expensive so they mostly went to important people. The Anglo Saxons called swords - sweord, secg, heoru or ecg. Many warriors could not afford swords.

Houses by Rozi And Riaz


In 450 AD the Anglo - Saxons lived in England,they made their houses out of wood,straw and manure.Making their houses out of these materials caused there houses to rot.

What materials did the Saxons make their houses out of?
The Anglo - Saxons made their houses out of wood and thatched their roofs out of straw,they used manure to stick the materials together.The houses were made from these materials to let in sunlight.Another reason their houses were made out of wood and straw was because the villages were surrounded in trees. 

there was only one room, in that room everybody ate,cooked,slept and entertained each other.